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Air Conditioner





Fire dampers should be correctly fitted and maintained wherever ventilation duct work intersects a fire-resistant rated wall or floor, this is to delay the spread of fire therefore buying more time and saving lives, this also saves the property from excessive damage.
With the enactment of the regulatory reform (fire safety) order 2005, it is now the employer’s responsibility to maintain their fire safety systems. BS999.2017 also states that arrangements should be made for all fire dampers to be tested by a competent person on completion of the installation and at least annually thereafter, and to be repaired or replaced immediately if found to be faulty. Fire dampers situated in dust-laden and similar atmospheres should be tested more regularly.   



Over time duct work will develop a build up of dirt that can include dust, bacteria and indoor pollutants such as mould spores. Any duct work which has never been cleaned may also contain debris. If left it can can affect the efficiency of ventilation systems and have a negative impact on the air quality. 

Under the Health & safety at work act etc 1974 and the occupier’s liability Act 1984, there is a legal duty for an employer to provide a safe and healthy environment, which includes a healthy indoor atmosphere. There is a requirement to ensure that ductwork is regularly cleaned as appropriate and is subject to a suitable system of maintenance. There are also legal expectations in other settings, such as accommodation and public facilities such as hospitals. The leading guidance document concerning the hygiene of ventilation systems is TR19®, which has now become the accepted standard for the internal cleanliness of ventilation systems and ductwork cleaning.

In addition to the UK legal requirement, many buildings insurance providers also expect that air vents and ductwork will be cleaned on a regular basis, in accordance with TR19®. Non-compliance can result in your policy being compromised. 



Kitchen extract cleaning is a legal requirement for all catering outlets and helps prevent a fire risk in your premises. This consists of a full deep clean of your kitchen canopy including Canopy, Filters, Fan set and all associated duct work.

Insurers will request a certificate of cleanliness and can refuse insurance coverage if you cannot provide one from a accredited extract cleaning company. Duct Control offer TR19® Grease compliance, certificated reports which meet all government and insurance company guidelines.

TR19® Grease is a set of specifications drawn up and issued by the Building engineering services association (BESA). Released in July 2019, the purpose of specifications is to encourage greater standards of compliance by specialist kitchen ductwork contactors, like ourselves.   



Air handling units need maintence just like duct work, your AHU is the main body to your ventilation system. Which consist of fan sets, coils and filters. Any that is in bad repair and not maintained will contribute to the level of debris found in the duct work. 



Risk assessments provide vital information on the condition of your ventilation system. Under the fire precautions (workplace) regulations 1997 (as amended in 1999), there is a legal requirement to undertake a formal fire safety risk assessment and implement controls where a hazard is identified. 

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